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 I will dwell in them and walk among them.
I will be their God and they shall be My people. 



As a young girl I knew God and never doubted His love for me – I stayed pretty close to His hip! But, as I grew older, I struggled with direction and finding my place in this world. Like so many women, I questioned my value and began chasing those things I thought would bring me success and joy. 


I'm forever grateful for the I careers I had in the surgical and software industries, but I couldn't shake the gnawing feelings of emptiness and unfulfillment. They left a deep pit of unrest because I didn't have a definite sense of purpose. I had no clue how to take ownership of my potential much less my purpose. 


Yes, I was a ‘good Christian,’ and I loved the promises of God, but they seemed like a far cry from my current reality. Complacency started creeping into every are of my life and it was so stinking subtle. Nothing like going around the same old mountains for decades . . . not pretty! On the outside, my life looked ‘fine’ but I knew there was so much more, and I knew Who had the answers.

As I began to dig into God’s Word, I took it personal. It didn’t happen overnight, but I found myself with an insatiable hunger to be in His presence – and it changed me. It was there I found exactly what I was looking for . . . a journey with My King into the destiny He prepared just for me. During that time with Him I received a vision for my life, developed my gifts, set goals, and started thinking and doing differently.

Today, I am an international speaker, author and member of the Teaching Faculty for the Global John Maxwell Leadership Team. Not only do I get to be a catalyst of change with my husband but minister the Gospel with my pioneering mom through our ministry, By His Word, Inc. Life is beautiful, and we are just getting warmed up!

I am a living testimony that God can make all things new and it’s my mission to help you fulfill yours. Yes, it will take some swimming upstream against the distractions of the world, but nobody drifts to the top of their mountain – it’s where the real adventure lies.

Don’t waste another day or repeat another year. It’s time to take a ‘Walk with Your King.’ Are you ready to journey to the palace together? Let’s get started!

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You Were Born to Win

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